So far I have only been printing these on my home printer (BLECH) but since they are just black it's not so bad. I hand score and fold them and bind them with my fancy gold staples. They are 4.25x2.5 inches (the same size as my cell phone screen).

There is a page for Monday through Saturday and you can just list a few people's names to pray for each week, family and friends.

All 12 months are there as well and you can list the same people as I have in my larger Prayerful Year book. I thought these would be so fun to just tuck into your Bible if you are headed overnight somewhere or wanted something to tuck into your purse to give you a reminder to be continually in prayer. There is a verse in the front cover, Philippians 4:6, "don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." Just a good reminder to be constantly in communication with our Heavenly Father.
What do you think, should I produce them for Christmas stocking stuffers?
(one of these are in the giveaway too!!!)
<3 Kayla
[…] You will also recieve a copy of Ann Voskamp’s book, One Thousand Gifts. I thought it was fitting since we are coming into the gift season. As well as a set of fun gold bobby pins from H&M because c’mon, who can’t use more bobby pins?! And a little pocket prayer schedule which you can see more about here. […]