The Prayerful Year cover is printed on 120# gloss cover stock bound with a wire comb binding. The artwork is hand-drawn by myself, the font is a Kimberly Geiswin font.

I am so pleased with the color and quality of these. They are hand-bound by my local printing shop - they are just the best!

There are 12 blank month calendars so you can begin it anytime. Each month has a section to fill in special people to pray for during the month: Person in Leadership, School Personnel, Leader in my Community, Family Request, and Self Request. There is also a line in that section to put an emphasis on a character trait to work on for the month. The right hand section has lines to put a scripture to memorize/focus on for the month.

Each month has enough pages for 5 weeks (it's hard to know how many weeks to cram into a month spread...). Each day has a few lines for Family Members and a couple for Dear Friends. You can either fill up the lines with your family if you have a huge one like me or you can use the lines to journal a quick prayer or request for each person that day. How you use it is up to you. My hope is that it will be super do-able and easy to fit to your personal style and needs.

The very first page has 5 lines to make yourself some goals for praying during the year! Awesome, huh?!

The very last page I filled with lines so that you might look back and journal God's moving through your life and your special people's lives during the last year!
I suppose I should give a little bit of the back story on this. Like my name (Creative Jayne) there is a little bit of heritage built in here. When my brother and I were growing up my mom homeschooled us through our early years. During those years she began the very important task of memorizing Scripture and teaching us the importance of prayer. I remember her jotting down people to pray for during the month in a large 8.5x11 planner and then we had special people each day of the week to pray for. She had little cards with family and friends written and my brother and I would be so excited to draw a couple of names and pray for that person that day. I just loved the way she did it and you know how you just end up doing something because your mom does? That's kind of how I felt with this, oh, I could have tried out a new planner/schedule/guide but it just wouldn't be utilized to its full potential because I am so used to "how mom did it." I decided just to make one for myself in a way that I thought would reflect my style, history and depth well enough to get used frequently. Kind of a fun way to honor my mom's legacy/heritage/teaching/faith. :)
I have one of these going to my friend Faith at lifeoffaith.com so she can review it and once she's done with the review there will be a giveaway with a whole pile of goodies from me!!! I simply cannot wait to get this giveaway going but it is necessary to wait for a little while...be sure to subscribe via email to make sure you don't miss out on the giveaway!
<3 Kayla
[…] will receive a copy of my Prayerful Year prayer journal and the Fall Into: His Love devotional journal. You can read more about those here and check out […]
ReplyDelete[…] The Prayerful Year prayer planner journal – you can check it out on Etsy and read more about it here. […]