Since I had been doing mainly photography for the last three years and I wasn't passionate about my name and I wasn't thrilled with weddings and I just didn't know who I was as a person even I had to lay things out for myself visually. I dug out all of my paper work, things that I had printed from Pinterest, I collected some descriptive words from friends and family, I researched girls I follow and admire on Instagram and their blogs and blogs that they are connected with. I had to find a direction somehow.
I decided to make it all into a "smash book" of sorts. I had gotten this great sketch book from TJ Max for $5 and had been saving it for something special. This became my special project. I collected everything that I could think of. I grabbed my favorite writing utincels, my washi tape, my mini alpha-stamp set and an ink pad and my scissors and sat down and started smashing...

After getting myself laid out on paper (see above photo) I had some words to start with. As I may have eluded to in past posts, names are a big thing for me and my little family. The meaning of names carries through with you for the rest of your life and I just really wanted something meaningful and something that I was going to be enthusiastic about. Something that described me but fit what I was doing. I became SUPER excited when I stumbled onto developing what's in the next few photos:

"The Design Chicken". I was so excited. I LOVED my illustration, I LOVED figuring out how to put it into Illustrator and then painting him in Photoshop. I thought it was perfect. And then my husband got home...As soon as he walked through the door I KNEW that I needed to find a new name. If I couldn't even say it out loud to my BFF, I was NEVER going to be able to announce to the world that I was to be known as "the design chicken." Now that I say it again all I can think is BLECH. I still love my illustration and will use him for other pieces but I HAD to find a name that was more me, that I could admit to being...
I sat back down at my smash book and continued to pull out words to flow together. One thing I knew that was me was my middle name, it's something that I love the spelling of, something that I have always thought was beautiful. I love signing my middle name with the rest of it for my signature, I love telling people what it is. It is a heritage from my family and I have always been very proud of it. I looked again at the words that my 5 companions had used to describe me and the one that hit across the board was creative in some form or another and it just seemed to flow together...

I loved how it stuck, it just seemed to fit right. It was a good descriptive name of what I do but it didn't hold me back to doing just design, with the creative part I feel the freedom to share tutorials for things other than design with you when I get further along.
I guess that's how I came up with the name. I am still trying to find my niche, where I fit among all of the other designers but I am comfortable with what I am becoming and what the Lord has me doing right now. It's definitely a journey with an end not apparent or seemingly close but one that I am willing to travel patiently and turn each page of the book of Jayne every day.
Thanks for tagging along on my journey, join me tomorrow when I share about how I have used Pinterest to develop myself...
<3 Kayla
If you have a hobby or business that you have named, how did you come up with your name and how do you feel it has effected who you are as a (insert your description here) and your hobby or business?
Ha, I totally answered your question on my blog? Did we plan this out? I love the creative Jayne, such a beautiful name! As you can see I am trying to catch up and love your doodles!
ReplyDeleteHaha! I had to laugh when I read yours too because no matter what you do, to solidify your business you really have to take all the same steps. It is just so fun to be on the journey side by side! <3 Also, thank you so much for your encouraging words about my name and doodles! Makes me feel good about them. :)