Homeschool Progress Check 5

The school year as begun! The neighborhoods are quiet once again; teachers have transitioned to 5 am schedules again, buses are busy bouncing around their routes, kids are finishing new clothes shopping and purchasing crisp new supplies.

I'm looking forward to our second year of homeschooling. Bennett focusing on Second Grade learning and Parker focusing on PreK/Kindergarten work.

I was blessed over the summer to receive some curriculum/resources from a homeschool family from our church - it loaded me up with practice reader books, puzzles, learning resources and workbooks! I've also snagged several affordable books from Amazon (I love following the Proverbial Homemaker on Facebook, she's always got GREAT recommendations).

Language & Reading

I am using the spelling curriculum from again - it worked so well for us last year. It was FABULOUS!!! I'm very excited to use it again. This year, I think I'm going to send the whole year up to our copy place to print all of the sheets for me instead of doing them myself.

We have TONS of books for reading, we also live about a mile from our library - it's such a sweet cozy place - it's so welcoming for kids of all ages. I'm also looking forward to using MadLibs and notebooks for casual, fun learning.



Improve penmanship and progress on spelling (his reading is already pretty advanced for age 7)


Recognize all the letters of the alphabet and write name


I have several science books to use this year that should make learning extra fun. I am going to try and incorporate Parker into our learning as much as possible this year, so I'll simplify things a bit as we go over things together and Bennett can go deeper if he really takes off with the concept we're working on currently.



Dig into his interests and get a good understanding of simple mechanics


Grasp the days of creation and Who the Creator is

History & Geography

We are beginning the year with a trip to Georgia and I got books for each of the boys to travel with - they have state facts and activities in them. We also have a children's atlas book as well as several others to look at the states with. We will also be discovering places through the 10 boys book series and working history out of them as well. Bennett has an infatuation with the Apostle Paul and to kick off the school year, I found a children's study to learn more about him!



To understand countries/continents/states/cities (he's already begun to differentiate these)


Memorize our address


I mentioned the 10 Boys Book, and the Apostle Paul study above. I purchased the full Buck Denver What's In the Bible series early this year and we will work through those as well. They will make a great enhancer to our Bible time together. We will continue to work through the Sword Fighting book about memorizing Scripture and Bennett got his own quiet time journal this year, the Adventures with Archer Journal. I'm looking forward to some really quality Bible and quiet time and helping Bennett to begin his faith walk in a very personal way!!!



To begin the habit of regular, personal quiet time, Scripture memory, and prayer time


To come to understand what Jesus did for him, and Scripture memory

Other Subjects

As for extras, I'd love to be able to do a study on hymns, we will do art with the various other subjects, I have a poetry book we can work through, several art books...I'm excited to utilize what we've got!

It just dawned on me that I still need something to do for math, but until I solidify that, we'll do review, and work with what we've got as well as printing some free pages.

What do you do for homeschool? Do you have goals for your kids this year?

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