I recently shared about the Good Samaritan and different ways that he shows us how to step into hospitality if hostessing isn't your thing. Today I wanted to share three different ways that you can show hospitality in the summer whether you are the hostess type or not!
Summer is an easy time to be out and about, which makes it especially easy to feel like we can do more to help others. Winter time can be difficult to come off of ourselves long enough to minister to other people - it locks us in and locks us up.
Take advantage of the summer to show hospitality to those that might need a bit of extra love!
For the Hostess Type
Yes, an idea for the hostess, just to scratch my itch! Summer is such a fun time to throw parties and there can be a lot of pressure to make sure that everything is picture perfect for Pinterest, or keeping up with the Joneses thing. But how about you try asking someone over to your house just for a simple lunch, or afternoon coffee. Someone that you haven't ever connected with, or a mama at church that's new?
Hospitality, after all, is ministering to strangers. Make a new friend this summer by taking a small step of offering an outing.
For the Outdoor Lover
Stop by the closest elderly neighbor's house, or the new family on the block, or the family that just had a baby and offer to do their gardening, or mowing. You love being outdoors, take advantage of that, offer that gift to someone that might not love it, or maybe cannot love it due to health reasons. OR, offer to take so-and-so to the nursery so they can pick out flowers, or a hanging basket.
There's so much you can do with the outdoors during the summer time - use your imagination (or think of your favorite thing to do) and go after someone that perhaps doesn't have the advantage or the time.
For the Gift Giver
Maybe you're not super outdoorsy, you don't have the time, and you're not the hostess type. Perhaps, instead, you'd rather give something. Summer is chalk full of garage sales and farmer's markets! Stop by a booth and grab a bouquet or some fresh berries to bring to someone that maybe can't make it there on their own. Maybe you would rather just give a ride. Pick them up and bring them to the farmer's market, or around town for the sales, so they can shop for themselves.
Either way it will be a blessing to someone and is a type of hospitality according to the Good Samaritan guy!
Do you have other ideas of how to be hospitable during the summer without having to fork out the food for a party, or opening your doors to the neighborhood? I'd love to know how you show hospitality when you don't necessarily feel the gifting for it!

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