Good Reads: Your Magnificent Chooser by John Ortberg

I'm not going to lie, I was a little deceived by the title of this book when I chose it to review. I was looking forward to receiving a book focusing on telling my children that they have been chosen by The Magnificent Chooser when in reality, it is about making choices.
I was a little disappointed. My disappointment only continued as I read through the book that sounded more like a Dr Seuss book than one helping children understand how important it is to exercise good choice making.

The more I read, the more unclear the point of the book was. I am a fan of Dr Seuss books, but that is because they are original and most of the time the books that are the most sing-songy don't have an outcome.

Your Magnificent Chooser was written in a completely sing-songy way which made it difficult to grasp the point and the direction the book was moving towards.

The illustrations are adorable - half of the reason that I requested it for review, but the content left me wanting.

My kids loved the illustrations, but they didn't totally understand what was going on with the balloons attached to the children. 

My overall impression of the book is that it's just a little confusing and unclear. While this book's illustrations are absolutely darling and the message COULD be good if it was more clear, it is not one that I would recommend, nor give as a gift.

*I received a complimentary copy of the book for review purposes from Tyndale House. All opinions are my own.*

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