Capsules are becoming a huge rage right now with good reason.
1. Getting dressed is EASY!
2. They are RESPONSIBLE.
3. They are SIMPLIFIED.
This post by Dallas Mom’s Blog is super helpful in proving this third point.
This post by Dallas Mom’s Blog is super helpful in proving this third point.
Ok, that’s all well and great, but what IS a capsule wardrobe? There are so many posts out there, when I first began looking into it I had a super difficult time finding any sort of definition so I will sum it up with my own understanding:
Let’s look at WHO a capsule wardrobe would work for:
1. The budget savvy
2. A minimalist
3. Moms
4. The ethically minded person
5. The thrifty gal
If you fit in any one of these categories (or all of them) a capsule is the perfect solution for your closet woes!
So, now that you’re convinced that you need to do a capsule for yourself, how do you begin?
- Find outfits that you love: Head over to Pinterest and create a board for your capsule.
- Closet cleanse and find YOUR pieces that you love: Now that you have your Pinterest closet created, if you haven’t yet, go through the closet cleanse from last week, keeping in mind the pieces and styles that are on your board.
- Find outfits that include your favorite pieces.
- Find repetition on your board.
Now you know what you have and what you like, how do you narrow it down and begin creating the actual wardrobe?
- Ask yourself how long you want to do your capsule for.
- Decide how many pieces to include.
Good luck and enjoy your capsuling journey!
To keep up with my capsule journey wardrobe and how Shelby does her closet Ethically, be sure and follow us on Instagram @wiw_k.and.s!!!
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