I cannot imagine the difficult wall that the people trapped in the sex trade industry face daily. I am sure they face all kinds of temptations that they wonder if they should try, "do I run away and risk extra abuse?" "Do I just end it all?" "Is there somehow I can escape?" "Is there something I can do to make it stop?" and so many more questions I'm sure buzz their head daily...
So what do they do? For most, they just survive from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute. For some, they may find the Hope that we as believers possess.
Join me today as I pray for direction for the victims...that they would know what to do, when to do it, and how.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
Psalm 32:8
Dear Father, Director of our path, and Leader of our days,
we call to you today, that you would bless those enslaved with a way. A way out, a way to find hope, a way to know that there is more than the daily pain and cruelty.
We pray especially that they would be directed to freedom, Spiritual freedom, and physical freedom.
Direct the right people to the right places to expose the slavers and be an advocate for those enslaved. Direct the right people to begin a chain reaction of devastation to the trade of humans for pleasure. We know that you grieve and mourn for those trapped in this life - Father, we pray your vengeance on the evil that has blinded people to human value.
God, direct the victims to you, direct their eyes and their hearts higher than daily struggles. It's a huge task to do, but You say you are our Strength. Be their strength, guide their hearts to your strength and give them a vision of a future far greater than what they ever hoped for.
Guide their steps to the right places that they would be SEEN by those trying to advocate for them. Guide the right eyes to be opened to seeing these victims and stepping in to help release them from the bondage that they are trapped in.
Father, we know you work for good, and we ask that you do so now, on behalf of the men, women, and children that have been lessened to a place of hopelessness. Bring them hope.
Be their hope.

I feel like each prayer has become more powerful and moving. Have you felt that? I have fallen off the Dressember wagon of dress wearing (I actually barely lasted 3 days) but I don't feel bad. I know that my prayers are doing so much more than my wearing a dress ever could...
Have you been joining me? I'd love to hear about your experience this month, praying through these with me!
Until tomorrow,
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