A Thanksgiving Letter 2016: To Bennett

For the last two years (this being my third) I have written a letter to all of my guys for the week of Thanksgiving.

My first year I did them all in one post and the year after I wrote them each a separate post. You can see the first year here, the second year to Bennett, Parker, Elliot, and Andrew here.

My dear, sweet, thoughtful Bennett:

You are such a treasure. It's crazy to see how you grow and learn over the year. You are such a bright, quick boy. Teaching you school this year, although challenging, has been such a blessing and an honor. It's so fun to see who God made you to be come bursting forth.

I have always felt that God had a strong plan for your life. My prayer has been that you grow to be a man with a heart like David and the tenacity of Paul. I have been blessed to tears countless times this year from the affirming words from your mouth about how Paul is your favorite, you want to go more places than Paul and share the Good News, how you want to be a missionary, and the numerous times that you announce to me that you think God is calling you to be a missionary.

If I succeed at nothing else while teaching you at homeschooling, may it be that I affirm that calling on your life and that I do my very best to teach you, equip you, and educate you well enough that you might be able to do so. If you learn nothing but what God wants you to do, the Scriptures and how to communicate them clearly - my job will be a success.

You have such a loving heart. You love your brothers and others so well. It blesses me so to see you calling your brothers your best friends.

I love playing games with you, you are quickly learning how to be a good loser and you are doing well at it.

I am so thankful for you, for your challenges and your blessings - you are so unique and I just adore who you are!



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