I want to share with you today one of the passages from my devotional journal that fits the searching Valentine:
“Let his banner over me be love.” What a beautiful picture that is. Don’t we as women just long for a love like that? I know that as I was growing up I was always looking for a love that would consume me. One that I could just melt into and trust to always come through for me. One that would wake me up every morning with breakfast made and a kiss on the forehead.
Think of your most perfect love. What would it look like? Bask in that for just a minute...NOW, look at our verse again. There is no perfect or unfailing love with men. They will always let us down. But in Christ, his love never fails. He does love us with a perfect love. He made the ultimate sacrifice out of a perfect, flawless love for us. He longs to wave his banner over you and fill you up with the love that is freely yours.
All we have to do is fall into his arms. Begin to trust in his unfailing love, give ourselves over to the fact that he really does offer FREELY. There are NO strings attached. He loves us more than we can ever know because he created our inmost beings. He knew one day that you would struggle in trusting his love or struggle with loving yourself. He wants to carry that burden FOR you. Lean into his embrace and soak yourself in his word. Only there will you find his perfect love. Spend some time today searching Scripture to fulfill your needs.
So friend, I hope that you found love today and that up until Valentine's Day and even after, you learn the love of our Heavenly Father and Jesus our Bridegroom.
Until tomorrow,
<3 Kayla
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