Welcome to my first post of the 31 days - a writing challenge! It took me a while to get over here today, no, I haven't worked out using the auto post yet. Maybe soon. Anyways, I felt it appropriate to take the first day to introduce myself and the Creative Jayne. I have been working over the last year to re-brand and determine who I am and I have finally come to a place of security and confidence in who Christ made me to be as a person and as a designer. So, first off, I will introduce myself to you since that will be the fastest. Yes, you could just head over to my about page, but where's the fun in that?

So, here's me. I don't like selfies usually, but I wanted to give you a good idea of the Creative Jayne. No, my name is not ACTUALLY Jayne, it's Kayla. My middle name, however, IS Jayne. I have been in the design business for, oh, the last 6 years. At least that's when I began doing piddly design work in an actual shop. Up until then design was still a strong passion of mine. I enjoyed using it to encourage people and I had a dream to create a magazine for Christian girls between the ages of 12 to 18. I guess that's still kind of a dream of mine but I am very thankful in the meantime for magazines like Brio and Brio and Beyond (which I guess is known as Sisterhood magazine as I found out while looking it up for the link...). Anyways, God has just adjusted my focus to working with various ministries and ministry oriented individuals on their design needs. I have fallen in love with branding and identities.
I am mama of three boys, one is still in the works, he is expected to be here January 31st but I will keep you posted on that...both of my other boys came days later than their due dates. I am wife to an amazing man. He is in the Air Force Reserve and also works at a local dealership as a service adviser. Don't worry, the dealership is entirely solid and nothing like the stereotypical sketchy dealerships. They run on integrity and family values, it's been quite a blessing for our little family. As a family we enjoy watching movies together, going on long walks, camping, bonfires, board games and reading books. We are well versed in a little of everything I guess. The boys love sports, I am sure that next year when number one is old enough he will be playing soccer, t-ball and whatever else we find for him to be in.
Now, that's enough about myself - if you want to know more, comment, email whatever, I'm up for a chat! Let's get onto the Creative Jayne. I'll start by explaining the name:

Names have long been very meaningful to me. When Andrew and I named our boys we spent long hours pouring over a baby name book looking for a name with a solid, Biblical meaning. My name, Kayla, means "pure one" and I have felt that because my parents named me that and called me that my whole life the meaning became ingrained in me. Maybe I will share the story behind that another time. So anyways, choosing a name for my business has proved a very difficult task. I began as Element designs & photography and the excitement about that soon faded. There was no depth to it, nothing that I was passionate about. Blah. I kept with if for a while though and about a year ago now I came up with A Flower of the Field which I actually am using for the name of my personal blog, feel free to check that one out...But that one had so much meaning and depth to me...but it was for my photography business. Which I am not doing any longer...great. Well, I had never felt very attached to my married name, maybe if I just went by that for a while it would just kind of feel natural...Kayla J Nelson. Nah, just didn't work out. (Don't get me wrong, I love my married name - I'm just not one of those people that can work under my personal name, there has to be more to it than that for me.). Well, I worked and worked. I put together a book of things I like, words that close friends and family would use to describe me and I finally settled on the Creative Jayne.
There was not one person that didn't have the word creative somewhere on their list of words. I chose to use Jayne because I have always been very fond of my middle name. I love how my parents spelled it with a "y" to match my first name and I love that there is heritage behind it. My mom and paternal grandmother's middle names are Jane and my maternal grandmother's first name is Jane. I love that. So much. Putting the Creative and Jayne together just seemed to flow really well and I have been excited to share it.
Before I give away all of my post ideas in my very first, I will end here for tonight. I hope you enjoyed my story, if you have questions or thoughts, feel free to comment. I love hearing from my readers!
Have a good night, and God bless.
<3 Kayla
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