I have had the opportunity to work with a handful of really incredible women lately! They are women that have a heart for spreading Jesus in different areas of life. One of those is Nadine, author of The Bunny, The Egg, and the Cross -Walking the Steps of Jesus with little hands and little hearts.
I'm really excited to share this one with you, as it's full of ideas to help work up the excitement to Easter!
Nadine (from Making Her Mama) begins the whole book with a few explanations of noteable days in the week leading up to Easter - for myself it is so helpful because it gives me a good, clear picture of what the goofy named-days are. In each explanation, she gives Scripture verses to reference.
I like that she begins by giving a touch of historical background to why she begins the way she does, with the Easter Bunny.
To be perfectly honest, I was very hesitant about this book because of the inclusion of the Easter Bunny. We don't celebrate it here in our home, but at our family Easter celebration on my husband's side, they always have a bunny visitor. I don't care for it, but to each their own.
She has a cute craft idea to make a bunny along with a breakdown of a neat way to look at the Easter Bunny as symbolizing specific things about Easter. She shared that the idea came from Focus on the Family.
Nadine gears the teaching and activities towards 2 to 6 year olds and having one in each age and one in between, I know that these projects are definitely ones that I could handle doing with the kids each day!
I think the only thing that would enhance this book even more is by referencing certain Bible Storybooks so the children can see that the stories are coming directly out of the Bible. (That's a bit of my CEF training coming through!)
Each day is simple, short and project oriented. The teaching times would be very easy to go deeper with, or more simple, depending on your child.

I love that the projects she has chosen have given such good, clear visuals for the kids to connect the importance of the stories to Easter.
I look forward to going through this book when we come to the time to start!
Nadine has been totally generous and offered you, my readers, a chance to win your own copy of the book! All you have to do is subscribe to our blogs (totally painless and minimal mail from myself!!!) and shoot out a tweet!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Or, you can purchase a copy for yourself from www.makinghermama.com. The copy is only $7.99 and the investment will be worth a lifetime! Nadine has also graciously offered my readers a coupon code to purchase the book for $4.99! Be sure to take advantage of that.
Happy Easter Season, friends!

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