Wear it Wednesday: Simplifying your Closet

It's nearly Winter (officially starts on the 21st!) and although it has been cooling down in much of the country for the last 2 months, do you still have tanks and shorts in your dresser? Are you still reaching for coats in the back or your closet? Today, I'm sharing how to simplify and cleanse your closet for the new season. This is how I keep my seasonal pieces organized and ready each year!

First, take everything out of your closet & grab 3 tubs- one for storage, one for trash, & one for donating. You won’t be throwing out the tub but you’ll use it for storage later. If you don’t like the tub idea put everything in piles then box them up to donate or store.

  • Closet: Things I love & wear often

  • Tub 1: I like these pieces but don’t know why

    • Save for 30 days, don’t miss anything in there after that time? - donate/sell/thrift

  • Tub 2: These pieces don’t fit me or my style

    • Take to the car & donate/sell/thrift

  • Tub 3: These pieces are damaged

    • Throw Away

I prefer to clean out my closet biannually; in the fall & the spring. Having tubs for each season makes it easy to know what you have & don’t for new season. Here is what I always keep out & store for each season;

  • Always keep out- a few layering pieces out for cool mornings & evenings throughout the year

  • Fall/Winter Tub- heavy coats, scarves, hats, gloves, & boots

  • Spring/Summer Tub- shorts, skirts, sandals, tees, tanks, swimsuits & strappy dresses

Remember all those tubs you used for the cleanse? After donating all your pieces & throwing out all your pieces, label & use one tub for your spring/summer stuff & one for fall/winter. By keeping everything in clear tubs you can see what is in them before you go digging & are perfect for storage!

Before putting away, look at your pieces, do some of them need to be replaced? Go through the cleanse process with each tub at the beginning & end of the season. Now is a great time to grab offseason pieces for a reduced price!
Tip: Get your coat dry cleaned so it's ready to wear come the first cold snap in the fall!

When pulling things out start looking at what you need for the season, & try on your pieces. Make sure they still fit, if not add them to a donation pile. If you plan to lose weight then hold on to them for 30 days, as you would if you loved it but didn’t want to get rid of immediately, after 30 days if you can't get into them after that donate & replace.

Don’t beat yourself over it, our bodies change throughout the year & as we age. You may start a great workout routine & need all new tops, or you may get pregnant! Body changes are a part of life!

Once you know what pieces you know you need to replace make a thorough list & replace those items before you need them, because if you wait you will impulse buy & possibly overspend. By knowing that you need certain pieces now, you can look online & shop with a purpose making a good decision for your wallet & closet.


Well, you’ve done it! Now that your closet has been properly cleansed have you considered putting together a capsule wardrobe? Not sure what a capsule is? No worries, Kayla will walk you through it & if you do decide to capsule then it makes seasonal cleanses easier & gives you a smaller closet with more useful pieces!

Get more in depth information in the Wear It Wednesday Dressing Your Best Self ebook! Only $5 and available for immediate download! Click the image below for more information!

Dressing Your Best Self Lay Flat | Adventurous Shelby

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