Tirzah in the Word

Remember my post on Tirzah?

I was asked (along with a bunch of others) to contribute to their walk through the Bible this year and I was excited to accept!

You can catch my content by subscribing to http://tirzahmag.com/devotionals/.

Here is just a little snippet of my upcoming post:

You know the old saying, “don't judge a book by the cover.” As a designer, I'm majorly in fault of this. I judge books by the cover, because, my philosophy: if it has a good title and a pretty cover it has to be good.

photo courtesy of unsplash.com

How are you living? Do you go the lengths of Bezalel or do you shine up your outside and ignore addressing the heart of things?

What do you think? Will you go and subscribe for some daily time in the Word?

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