Stitch Fix knows this and they have real women (stylists) employed just to help you and to get you your best clothing for your money. The ladies take time, effort and consideration as they choose which pieces to send to you. Shelby has shared with me how many hours she puts in to styling her clients during the week. She is so sweet and adds a hand-written note right into her packages for her clients!

If you have been tossing around the idea of purchasing your first stitch, consider this a tap on the shoulder saying, "go for it!"
Personally, when I shop I do it in segments. I do one big shopping trip in the spring and one big shopping trip in the fall. It's always a hassle to set up baby sitters, find the right day, make the hour trip (one way) spend the day trying on clothes and so on and so on.
Stitch Fix makes it easy. You get to select your style, select the body size/shape, the length of your pants, you are in charge and someone else (like Shelby) gets to do the work for you! You can give them your budget and they will keep things within your limits.

Stitch Fix is a great solution for Hubby/Boyfriend to get you something smashing for birthdays or holidays but will work well for you! He can schedule a fix for you or give you his credit card to charge on, takes all the work out for him but really scores with you...Watch out sista, better make sure he gives you a budget!!! :)

When you are ready to schedule your fix, you can select your stylist (if you know someone) or go ahead and ask for Shelby to fix you up! Receive it on your elected date and keep what you will or return what doesn't quite suit you.

Go ahead, take the leap! I've convinced myself to go and schedule a fix today, how about you?
***I am affiliate of Stitch Fix and I do receive compensation when you make purchases through my links.***
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