How to write a family mission statement

Greetings! I hope you are having a happy WINDS-day as Pooh Bear would greet!


Yesterday I shared what our family verses and mission statement are and today I wanted to share with you just how to do one for yourself. Sometimes it's hard to know where to begin with things like this. At least it usually is for myself. So I figured I'd give you a headstart!

1. Pray about it.

This is the biggest part. If you really want your mission and verses to flow together and be really anointed you HAVE to pray about it. Pray together as a family and pray separately about it.There is no particular amount of time to pray, just be sure to spend some time. You will know when you have THE verse. You could even spend time fasting together over it.

2. Come together and share.

Obviously you need to share what the Lord has laid on your hearts or there's no way of coordinating something like this. Once you have shared, look over all that you have (maybe make a list of all of the verses to look up) or perhaps Jesus gave you all the same verse - FANtastic!!! Find the underlying meaning that pertains to you and your family. For us it was really the Man of God part that stuck out to myself and to Andrew it was the call to action. We have a family of all boys and I love the fact that the Lord gave my husband such a huge weight to raise them according to "our passage" of Scripture!

3. a. Pray about what the call to action is from your verses.

3. b. Pull out the call to action.

After you have settled on a verse, verses or passage of Scripture, you need to look at the underlying actions or calling that are in them. We made a list of what we wanted for our family, the parts of the passage that we really wanted to work on as a family.

4. Put it into a pledge form.

Once we had our list, I put it into a pledge form so that we could read it over and know what we were "pledging to". If that's not your thing, don't worry - once you sit down to do it the words will just flow. Maybe your family needs it more in list form than in paragraph form like I did ours, no problem! Each family is different and everyone processes things differently. The biggest thing for me was just having it on the wall to proclaim so that our friends and families could help to hold us accountable as well as holding one another accountable to it.

5. Print it and hang it somewhere in your home.

When you have it all put together the best thing to do is to get it put up somewhere in your home if not in multiple places! Make pocket printables for each of your family members to put on their car dash, on the bathroom mirror, in their wallet or purse something that will constantly remind you and your family of your commitment and mission!

the creative jayne \ family mission statement and misison verse

After you make your family mission statement I would love to hear about it! Be sure to come back and share or if you already have one, I would love to know what it is!!!

Thanks again,
<3 Kayla

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